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Når vi vurderer søknader til ledige stillinger i Moss kommune, stilles følgende krav:
Du må beherske både skriftlig og muntlig norsk.
Om oppholdstillatelse for arbeid
Hvis du er statsborger av et nordisk land (Sverige, Danmark, Island eller Finland), har du automatisk oppholdstillatelse.
Hvis du har statsborgerskap i et EU/EØS-land, trenger du ikke å søke om oppholdstillatelse. Du må likevel registrere deg hos politiet dersom du ønsker å oppholde deg i Norge i mer enn tre måneder.
Hvis du er statsborger av et land utenfor EU/EØS-området, må du ha et skriftlig tilbud om arbeid for å få oppholdstillatelse i Norge. Vilkårene for å få innvilget oppholdstillatelse varierer avhengig av type stilling eller yrke. Les mer om oppholdstillatelse på utlendingsdirektoratet hjemmesider.
When we consider applications for vacant positions in Moss municipality, the following requirements apply:
- You must master both written and oral Norwegian.
- The application must be written in Norwegian.
- Certificates and diplomas must be translated into Norwegian, and there must be a stamp confirming that the copy is identical to the original document.
- You must submit a recognition of foreign higher education from Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills.
- If the position you are applying requires an authorization, you must submit this authorization. This is especially important for healthcare professionals. The State Authorization Office for Health Care Professionals grants such approval.
- You must have a valid residence and work permit.
About residence permit for work
- If you are a citizen of a Nordic country (Sweden, Denmark, Iceland or Finland), you automatically have a residence permit.
- If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA country, you do not need to apply for a residence permit. Howewer, if you wish to stay in Norway for more than three months, you must register with the police.
- If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA area, you must have a written offer of employment in order to be granted a residence permit in Norway. The conditions for being granted a residence permit vary depending on the type of position or occupation.
- Read more about residence permits on the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration's website