All food waste must now be sorted into a separate container

Everything you need to know about sorting of food waste in separate containers and not into residual waste, as in Oslo/ Follo. 

Food waste is a resourse.

Food waste can be converted into climatefriendly fuel for vehicles, fertiliser and biogas for the production of heat and electricity. When you sort your food waste separately, there will be less residual waste to be incinerated.

How it works

Picture is a part of the brochure in english and contains text and pictures which illustrated the text. We describe the same text in the article - Klikk for stort bildeHow it works (sorting of food waste) Brochure about sorting av food waste (english)/ Movar

1. You have now received the caddy and biodegradable bags for food waste. It is important that you only use bags from MOVAR for your food waste caddy. These should be put in your food waste bin.

2. You can see when your waste will be collected in the MinRenovasjon app or on

3. When you run out of biodegradable bags, tie a bag to your food waste bin. The collector will leave you a new roll of bags. If you share your caddy or bin, or need additional biobags for your cabin or holiday home, you will have to obtain more biobags yourself.

These can be obtained at our recycling stations or from the Miljøbilen collection vehicle. Biobags are also available in some supermarkets – for a list, see

What counts as a food waste?

Page from the english brochure about sorting of food waste. It contains text and a picture of a woman in front. The text is described in this article, exactly as in the picture. - Klikk for stort bilde Movar, brochure about sorting of food waste in english

Yes, please!
Anything that you could have eaten:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Flour, grains and sugar
  • Bread and cakes
  • Rice and pasta
  • Meat, fish and shellfish
  • Coffee grounds, with or without filters
  • Eggshells and nutshells
  • Kitchen paper
  • Teabags
  • Small bones from fish and meat
  • Mouldy and/or rotten food
  • Food you can’t eat

No, thanks!
Anything else that can’t be eaten:

  • Pot plants
  • Nappies
  • Cigarettes and other tobacco products
  • Cat litter and dog waste bags
  • Food waste with packaging
  • Herb plants
  • Garden waste
  • Soil and gravel
  • Cut flowers
  • Ashes

Not sure?
Find the answer at

We applaud everyone who is reducing food waste

  • Only buy what you need
  • Eat up
  • Use your leftovers
  • Sort your food waste

Your efforts to sort your food waste separately have
beneficial effects for the climate and environment.
Find out more at

Part of a brochure from Movar about sorting of food waste in Moss, all the text on this picture is just as is in our article - Klikk for stort bilde Borichure about food waste, Movar (english)

When will your waste be collected?

Page from a brochure from Movar in english describing when all the waste will be collected. The text on this page is just exactly as in out article. There is also a picture of a mobile on this page illustrating an application for waste pick-up - Klikk for stort bilde Brochure about food waste (english), Movar

See the collection calendar or get reminders of when your waste will be collected. Download the “Min renovasjon” app free of charge. You can also find the collection calendar for your property at

Food waste and residual waste are collected every two weeks!

Remember that your bins must be no more than
8 m from the side of the road on collection day.

You can find the application in Google Play and App Store.

Tips and advice

Double-knot the biobags to prevent mess

Line the biobags with a little paper towels if the food waste is particularly sharp or wet

Clean the food waste bin regularly

It is a good idea to keep any seafood waste frozen until collection day

Contact us if you need a new or extra caddy for additional households etc.

Remember that your bins must be no more than 8 m from the side of the road on collection day, but try to keep them out of the sun in hot weather

Find out more at

Do you have any questions?

Feel free to contact us
+47 69 26 21 10
If you live in Moss, please contact Moss Municipality via Kommunetorget, phone number +47 69 24 80 00.

The brochure about food waste in wnglish you can make copy of (PDF, 5 MB)